Panch Tatva Dhimahi Ever-Present Ever-Conscious Ever-Blissfull Sun, 12 Jun 2022 04:55:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NATURE CURE – NATUROPATHY Wed, 11 Jan 2017 14:38:02 +0000 NATUROPATHY

Nature cure is based on the realization that human is born healthy and strong and that he can stay as such as living in accordance with the laws of nature. Even if born with some inherited affliction, the in dividual can eliminate it by putting to the best use the natural agents of healing.Fresh air, sunshine, a proper diet, exercise, scientific relaxation, constructive thinking and the right mental attitude, along with prayer
and meditation all play their part in keeping a sound mind in a sound body.

Nature cure believes that disease is an abnormal condition of the body resulting from the violation of the natural laws. Every such violation has repercussions on the human system in the shape of lowered vitality, irregularities of the blood and lymph and the accumulation of waste matter and toxins. Thus, through a faulty diet it is not the digestive system alone which is adversely affected. When toxins accumulate, other organs such as the bowels, kidneys, skin and lungs are overworked and cannot get rid of these harmful substances as quickly as they are produced.

Besides this, mental and emotional disturbances cause imbalances of the vital electric field within which cell metabolism takes place, producing toxins. When the soil of this electric filed is undisturbed, disease -causing germs can live in it without multiplying or producing toxins. It is only when it is disturbed or when the blood is polluted with toxic waste that the germs multiply and become harmful.

Basic Principles

The whole philosophy and practice of nature cure is built on three basic principles. These principles are based on the conclusions reached from over a century of effective naturopathic treatment of diseases. They have been tested and proved over and over again by the results obtained.

The first and most basic principle of nature cure is that all forms of disease are due to the same cause, namely, the accumulations of waste materials and bodily refuse in the system. These waste materials in the healthy individual are removed from the system through the organs of elimination. But in the diseased person, they are steadily piling up in the body through years of faulty habits of living such as wrong feeding, improper care of the body and habits contributing to enervation and nervous exhaustion such as worry, overwork and excesses of all kinds. It follows from this basic principle that the only way to cure disease is to employ methods which will enable the system to throw off these toxic accumulations. All natural treatments are actually directed towards this end.

The second basic principle of nature cure is that all acute diseases such as fevers, colds, inflammations, digestive disturbances and skin eruptions are nothing more than self-initiated efforts on the part of the body to throw off the accumulated waste materials and that all chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma, kidney disorders, are the results of continued suppression of the acute diseases through harmful methods such as drugs,vaccines, narcotics and gland extracts.

The third principle of nature cure is that the body contains an elaborate healing mechanism which has the power to bring about a return to normal condition of health, provided right methods are employed to enable it to do so. In other words, the power to cure disease lies within the body itself.

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Importance of Aura by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi Ji Mon, 08 Feb 2016 11:58:58 +0000 ]]> 24 Understanding Reiki Healing 5 Basic Principles Which Every Reiki Practitioner Must Understand Mon, 18 Jan 2016 10:52:23 +0000 Most of us are aware that reiki is an alternative health care technique that originated in the far East. Before we proceed towards finding out what is a reiki massage, let’s find out a little more about the whole concept of reiki and how it works as an alternative healing therapy. The concept of reiki as a method of spiritual healing was developed by Mikao Usui, a Japanese follower of Buddhism, in the year 1922. In this method of complementary healing, the therapist releases life energy from his palms to be transferred to the ailing body parts of the patient. The most peculiar aspect of reiki healing therapy is that there is no physical contact between the practitioner’s palms and the patient’s body. Reiki healing and reiki massage are based upon the underlying principle of channeling of life force, known as ki in terms of traditional oriental medicine, from the healer to the patient to treat physical ailments and release blocked energy in the latter’s body.

What is a Reiki Massage Therapy?
As discussed above, the basic principles of reiki energy healing therapy are based upon transfer of life energy without physical contact. Now, you must be wondering how can massage be possible without physical contact? Well, conventional reiki massage definition states that reiki massage is a combination of reiki healing therapy with traditional massage techniques. What a reiki massage expert does is, he identifies the pressure points and chakras in the body, diagnoses the ailing point or chakra and transfers life energy to that particular point to relieve the suffering. Reiki practitioners often undergo training in massage therapy so that both healing methods can be combined to impart optimum relief to the patient.

Logic Behind Reiki
The theory behind the reiki healing touch is based upon the belief that there exists a cosmic energy that reverberates through every aspect of creation. The logic behind reiki is that the reiki practitioner harnesses or absorbs a part of that cosmic energy and channelizes it through the body of the client to flush out all energy blockages and negative forces. The word “reiki” means “universal life force” in Japanese. Hence the name!

Reiki Principles and Pillars
There are five basic principles that every reiki practitioner must compulsorily abide by. These five principles are:-

You must not get angry.
You must not get bogged down by worries.
You must always be grateful for what you have.
You must be diligent.
You must treat people kindly.

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Does Reiki Really Work? Mon, 18 Jan 2016 10:37:32 +0000 As you hear more about Reiki as a healing alternative, you may find yourself inquisitive about its legitimacy. Does Reiki really work? Large followings and glowing success stories often breed skepticism, so you’re not alone in asking. “Does Reiki really work?” is a very common question, so I’ve provided some simple ideas for the formation of your own informed opinion.

Does Reiki Really Work?

1.) Know the Theory

Although Reiki is only about 90 years old in name, the underlying concept is much older. Originating in the East more than 5,000 years ago, this ancient philosophy assumes everything in existence to be energetic in nature. It also proposes that all of life is, foundationally, a complex and unending interchange of energies. Reiki claims to directly engage the source of an illness, understanding it to be a matter of energetic imbalance. The primary purpose of Reiki Energy is to restore that balance. Though differing from the more diagnostic view held by many Western doctors, this is similar in many ways to other healing forms within the holistic health system.

“Does Reiki really work?” can only be answered within context and understanding the energetic nature of the universe is your most important first step.

Does Reiki Really Work?

2.) Know the Science

With recent scientific progress repeatedly confirming the ancient perspective, Reiki is now becoming widely recognized as a scientifically valid healing experience.

Much of our more modern science has been dedicated to understanding the human body, its cells, and its interactions in terms of electromagnetism, and the question, “Does Reiki really work?” is now being met with surprisingly affirmative responses.

The quantum view has also begun to allow researchers the framework from which to view the human body as essentially energetic, and thanks to the large body of evidence accumulated in recent years, many of the more progressive hospitals are now offering Reiki as legitimate treatment for their patients!

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Reiki Natural Healing – An Overview Mon, 18 Jan 2016 10:36:39 +0000 There are lots of healing systems that people have been following since time unknown. But, one of the best and ultimate techniques that have been found till date happens to be Reiki. It is a healing process where hands are used for healing by the well trained masters. Hands are placed on the person suffering from any ailment and immediately energy flows from the body of the healer to the other person receiving healing. By this process, the body attains a stage where it can start healing by its own self.

The practice of Reiki dates back to 1922 and was founded by Mikao Usui, who was a Japanese Buddhist. As time went by, two branches of Reiki evolved namely; Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. This technique of healing has no age constraint. Just self interest and special instinct is all that is needed for the learning. Similarly, due to its popularity, it can be learned anywhere in the world. This means even a person residing at Melbourne can easily acquire knowledge by taking up Reiki courses Melbourne though it has been originated from Japan. Learning Reiki surely has many benefits that can be understood as follows:

• All you need is your palms for healing.
• No special equipments are required.
• Most divine and can increase concentration terribly.
• Learning Reiki helps you to heal yourself, family, friends and even animals.
• It can remove stress on a day to day basis. Self-healing on a daily basis ensures a peaceful living.
• You can go higher spiritually. You will get enlightenment.

• Better sleeping patterns will be formed.
• It also increases immunity.

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The most treasured healing theory is reiki Mon, 18 Jan 2016 10:35:33 +0000 When you are speaking of reiki healing you mean transformation of the healing energy of the universe in the energy within. This healing process is generally carried via a process of channeling by lying of the hands. This denotes that reiki therapist will often transmit the energy force into the recipient body through the hands. For stress busters you can always use the reiki london and holistic therapy courses which can be a very good alternative to the traditional source of treatment.

Since all the matters in the universe are made up of energy which is surrounding us all the time. In one sense earth itself is a powerful house of energy and the sources of energy is inauxistible in nature. The concept believes that if a life force is low then the patient is exposed to more stress and strain while a persons increased level of lifespan can instill happiness. Since there is seven wheels of life in human body it functions on different aspects of life in human body. The reiki healing is creating unique method and by means of that the patients are getting positive energy and good means of life. This healing can in vogue after many days of practice meditation and prayers.When you are speaking of reiki healing you mean transformation of the healing energy of the universe in the energy within. This healing process is generally carried via a process of channeling by lying of the hands. This denotes that reiki therapist will often transmit the energy force into the recipient body through the hands. For stress busters you can always use the reiki london and holistic therapy courses which can be a very good alternative to the traditional source of treatment.

Since all the matters in the universe are made up of energy which is surrounding us all the time. In one sense earth itself is a powerful house of energy and the sources of energy is inauxistible in nature. The concept believes that if a life force is low then the patient is exposed to more stress and strain while a persons increased level of lifespan can instill happiness. Since there is seven wheels of life in human body it functions on different aspects of life in human body. The reiki healing is creating unique method and by means of that the patients are getting positive energy and good means of life. This healing can in vogue after many days of practice meditation and prayers.

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